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Green World Cancer Care Package

Green World Cancer Care Package

Regular price R 6,660.00 ZAR
Regular price R 7,200.00 ZAR Sale price R 6,660.00 ZAR
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Cancer is a broad term. It describes the disease that results when cellular changes cause the uncontrolled growth and division of cells.

Some types of cancer cause rapid cell growth, while others cause cells to grow and divide at a slower rate. Most of the body’s cells have specific functions and fixed lifespans. While it may sound like a bad thing, cell death is part of a natural and beneficial phenomenon called apoptosis.

 A cell receives instructions to die so that the body can replace it with a newer cell that functions better. Cancerous cells lack the components that instruct them to stop dividing and to die. As a result, they build up in the body, using oxygen and nutrients that would usually nourish other cells. Cancerous cells can form tumors, impair the immune system and cause other changes that prevent the body from functioning regularly.

Cancerous cells may appear in one area, then spread via the lymph nodes. These are clusters of immune cells located throughout the body.


What is Cancer?

Green World Cancer Care Package

Cancer happens when cells become abnormal and grow, multiply and spread out of control. Normal body cells grow and divided and know to stop growing. Over time, they also die. Unlike these normal cells, cancer cells just continue to grow and divide out of control and don’t die when they’re supposed to. Cancer cells usually group or clump together to form tumors. A growing tumor becomes a lump of cancer cells that can destroy the normal cells around the tumor and damage the body’s healthy tissues.

What causes cancer?

  • Free radical damage to the DNA of cells triggers cancer. Risk factors such as smoking and radiation encourage free radical activity.
  • Over-exposure to hormone-disrupting chemicals in food and water caused by environment pollution.
  • Poor methylation, resulting in high homocysterine and increased damage to DNA.
Green World Cancer Care Package

What are the signs and symptoms of different kind of cancer?

Everyone needs to be aware about its symptoms, because cancer is most curable if diagnosed and treated in its earliest stages. But having any of these does not mean that you have cancer—many other things cause these signs and symptoms, too. If you have any of these symptoms and they last for a long time or get worse, please see a doctor to find out what is going on.

  • General cancer signs
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Fever of unknown origin
  • Fatigue
  • Skin colour changes or itching
  • Certain cancer sign

Certain cancer signs

  • Change in bowel or bladder habits: colorectal cancer; bladder cancer.
  • Sores that do not heal: skin cancer
  • White patches inside the mouth or white spots on the tongue: oral cancer
  • Unusual vaginal bleeding or discharge: uterine cancer
  • Thickening or lump I the breast or other parts of the body: cancers occur mostly in the breast, testicle, lymph nodes (glands) and e.t.c.
  • Indigestion or trouble swallowing: cancer of the esophagus, stomach, or pharynx
  • Recent change In a wart or mole or any new skin change: melanoma
  • Nagging cough or hoarseness: lung cancer, cancer of the larynx or thyroid gland.

How to prevent cancer?

Green World Cancer Care Package
  1. Avoid smoking and exposure to smoke
  2. Avoid UV ray exposure and protect your skin by wearing sunscreen.
  3. Eat adequate fresh fruits and vegetables.
  4. Cut consumption of red meat and animal fat.
  5. Limit alcohol intake.
  6. Be physical active
  7. Know your personal and family medical history to take specific preventive measures.
  8. Practice work environment protection.
  9. Practice safe sex.
  10. Get screened for cancer regularly.

What are the cancer-fighting foods or nutrients?

  1. Fruit and vegetables are top of the anti-cancer foods
  2. Garlic which helps deal with toxins and free radicals can keep you away from cancer.
  3. Soya beans have been associated with a lower risk of breast cancer
  4. Yoghurts, slow down the development of colon tumors.
  5. Sesame and sunflower seeds can fight inflammation and support brain and heart health.
  6. Fiber which can be found in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains play a key role in keeping your digestive system clean and healthy.


Green World Cancer Care Package

Green World product for treatment and prevention of Cancer 

There are many causes of cancer and also can be preventable

  • Ganoderma Capsule
  • Spirulina plus Capsule
  • Ginseng RHs
  • Chitosan Capsule
  • A Power Capsule
  • Super Nutrition
  • Aloe Vera Capsule
  • Garlic Oil
  • Deep Sea fish Oil
  • Propolis Plus Capsule
  • Blue Berry Juice

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